Fixed Term Advice Relationship | Living Financial Advice | Hurstville
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Fixed Term
Advice Relationship

Financial Advice Relationship

We help people make good money choices today to set them up for tomorrow.

When clients have a financial advice relationship with us, they feel energised, confident and in control of their money life.

Benefits of fixed term financial advice

Having an ongoing advice relationship with a Financial Adviser makes sense if you’re serious about achieving your money goals.



With a financial adviser by your side our clients tell us they feel:

  • Confident making money decisions.

  • Less stressed, money is taken care of.

  • Optimised, they know their money is working as it should.

  • Relieved, someone else is looking out for opportunities.

  • Supported, your personal money cheer squad keeping you on track and celebrating your progress.

  • In control, they are no longer ignoring money issues and instead taking steps to improve their position.

  • Hopeful. They know they are taking realistic steps towards their future life.

Fixed Term Financial Advice Service

Not only do you get a detailed, personalised financial strategy, but you also benefit from a close advice relationship.

With us by your side, you’re never alone in making financial decisions.

  • Access to your Financial Adviser

  • Ask questions

  • Have a sounding board

  • Progress & Review Meeting

  • Portfolio Reports

  • Quarterly News and Insights

  • Introductions to our Professional Panel


Not many financial advisers share costs up-front but we do.

Because we value transparency


  • Professional cost ranges reflect single or couple, number of accounts, complexity of portfolio and circumstances.

  • Costs are paid via your investment, superannuation or pension fund platform or invoiced if preferred.

  • Suggested minimum investable assets for our services is $250,000. If you have less than $250,000 investable assets, we can consider one-off initial financial advice. This would involve a Statement of Advice (financial plan) and no ongoing financial advice.

  • Either party may terminate the Fixed Term Agreement by giving the other party at least 30 days' written notice (including via email).

Additional help


  • Centrelink help & forms $220 to $2,200

  • Centrelink liaison service – Single $715 or Couple $825 for 12 months



  • Direct share portfolio service (CHESS Bell Potter) $330 pa minimum

  • Stockbroking share registry & forms assistance $165 per hour


Financial Adviser hourly rate

  • Financial Adviser $385 per hour

  • Associate Financial Adviser $250 per hour

  • Client Service Manager/Officer & administration $190 per hour


All costs above are quoted GST inclusive.

Want to have a financial adviser by your side?

Ready to make good financial decisions for life?



Lyle Greig Financial Services Pty Ltd ABN 88 125 877 401, trading as Living Financial Advice, is an authorised representative of Count Financial Limited ABN 19 001 974 625 holder of Australian financial services licence number 227232 (“Count”). Count is owned by Count Limited ABN 111 26 990 832 of GPO Box 1453, Sydney NSW 2001. Count Limited is listed on the Australian Stock Exchange.


The information on this website is provided for general information only, it is not advice or financial product advice and is provided for information only. It has been prepared without taking into account your particular financial needs, circumstances and objectives. You should consult your own financial adviser before making any investment decisions.

Living Financial Advice and Count does not guarantee the accuracy of any information in this website, including information provided by third parties. Information can change without notice and we will endeavour to update this website as soon as practicable after changes.


Taxation, accounting, and credit services are not provided under authorisation of Count Financial. Where you require these services, we will discuss referral options with you.

(c) Living Financial Advice


Website Copy by Marketing Goodness

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