Investment Philosophy | LFA Hurstville
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Our Investment Philosophy

Portfolio Construction


We believe in blending various asset classes to create a portfolio that aligns with your long-term investment objectives. Our focus is on two key components:


  • Asset Allocation: We strategically distribute investments across various asset classes.

  • Investment Manager Selection: We choose investment managers who can deliver consistent, superior risk-adjusted returns.


Investment Policy


Our investment policy is guided by a set of core beliefs that are logical, fundamentally sound, and widely acknowledged by the industry. Here are some key principles:


  1. Preservation of Capital: Our primary goal is to safeguard your capital.

  2. Diversification: We spread investments across a broad range of assets and investment styles to manage risk.

  3. Markets: We believe in the efficiency of public markets due to their transparency and regulatory oversight.

  4. Liquidity: We prioritise assets that can be bought and sold easily.

  5. Active vs Passive Investment Management: We believe that active managers can outperform index funds over the long term.

  6. Strategic vs Tactical Asset Allocation: We use Strategic Asset Allocation (SAA) with the ability to take 2-3 year tilts.

  7. Portfolio Investment Management Style: We aim for a ‘style neutral’ position over the long term by diversifying investment styles and managers.

  8. Optimal Number of Managers: We select an optimal number of managers for each asset class to achieve adequate diversification.

  9. Market Segmentation: We consider market capitalisation, geographic segmentation, and sector exposure.

  10. Currency Management: We manage currency exposure to protect against loss of purchasing power.

  11. Fees and Taxes: We consider the impact of fees and taxes on your returns.

  12. Alternative Asset Classes: We consider ‘alternative assets’ that demonstrate non-traditional characteristics.




We believe in the old phrase, “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket”. We aim to achieve long-term positive returns without taking undue risks.


Manager Styles Explored


We consider various factors such as active vs passive management, top-down vs bottom-up approach, qualitative vs quantitative approach, and asset allocation when selecting investment managers.


Remember, our goal is to help you build wealth successfully with a well-diversified investment portfolio. We’re here to guide you every step of the way!


Lyle Greig Financial Services Pty Ltd ABN 88 125 877 401, trading as Living Financial Advice, is an authorised representative of Count Financial Limited ABN 19 001 974 625 holder of Australian financial services licence number 227232 (“Count”). Count is owned by Count Limited ABN 111 26 990 832 of GPO Box 1453, Sydney NSW 2001. Count Limited is listed on the Australian Stock Exchange.


The information on this website is provided for general information only, it is not advice or financial product advice and is provided for information only. It has been prepared without taking into account your particular financial needs, circumstances and objectives. You should consult your own financial adviser before making any investment decisions.

Living Financial Advice and Count does not guarantee the accuracy of any information in this website, including information provided by third parties. Information can change without notice and we will endeavour to update this website as soon as practicable after changes.


Taxation, accounting, and credit services are not provided under authorisation of Count Financial. Where you require these services, we will discuss referral options with you.

(c) Living Financial Advice


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