Living Financial Advice I 02 8355 6170
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Money Matters

Do you want to be one of those good with money people? The ones who know they are making the most of what they have and making good decisions along the way?

Think of us like your very own money coach.
Your guide, sounding board and accountability partner to make it happen.  

We can help you understand your position, put a plan in place to get on top of your money so you can reach your goals.

Advice Strategies 

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Manage your money

Create a spending plan to get you closer to your goals.

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Sort your super

Super basics to get your super working as hard as you do.

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Manage debt

Smart strategies to help you pay off debt sooner and use it to your advantage.

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Start saving

Set up saving goals to have a ‘just in case’ fund, buy a home or investment.

Living Financial Wealth App

Get a live snapshot of your entire financial world
Keep track of everything you own and owe with a live view of your 
personal finances.

Save time with productivity tools
From managing documents to organising to-dos, your portal is 
packed with tools to make your financial life easier. 

Track your success and reach your goals
Whether you’re buying a property or saving to start a family, track 
your progress with financial goals.

Use smart money tracking for better budgeting
Stay on top of your money with auto-categorised transactions 
and monthly budget reports.

Get easy access to your finance professionals
Connect with your adviser, accountant and property manager for easy access when you need them to.

Living Financial Coach


All membership plans are recurring monthly subscription you can cancel at any time

Need help?

Book a quick chat to find out if we're a good fit.




Lyle Greig Financial Services Pty Ltd ABN 88 125 877 401, trading as Living Financial Advice, is an authorised representative of Count Financial Limited ABN 19 001 974 625 holder of Australian financial services licence number 227232 (“Count”). Count is owned by Count Limited ABN 111 26 990 832 of GPO Box 1453, Sydney NSW 2001. Count Limited is listed on the Australian Stock Exchange.


The information on this website is provided for general information only, it is not advice or financial product advice and is provided for information only. It has been prepared without taking into account your particular financial needs, circumstances and objectives. You should consult your own financial adviser before making any investment decisions.

Living Financial Advice and Count does not guarantee the accuracy of any information in this website, including information provided by third parties. Information can change without notice and we will endeavour to update this website as soon as practicable after changes.


Taxation, accounting, and credit services are not provided under authorisation of Count Financial. Where you require these services, we will discuss referral options with you.

(c) Living Financial Advice


Website Copy by Marketing Goodness

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